Brazilian Humanities Digital Repository - REDHBR

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REDHBR aggregates codes for automated data collection regarding the main events and associations in the humanities area in Brazil.

Scripts, databases and all documents are available and can be downloaded with just one click.

pyHDB - Heuristic tool for the Brazilian Digital Newspaper Library

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Methodological aid tool for research in the Brazilian Digital Newspaper Library of the National Library.

Developed by Eric Brasil as part of academic research in the area of Digital History.

Its objective is to assist researchers in the process of documentation and accurate recording of research steps and to ensure methodological accuracy. Therefore, it is a digital heuristic tool.

Its development is within the scope of research carried out in the History course of IHLM/Unilab and LABHDUFBA.


Brasil, E. (2021). pyHDB: Ferramenta heurística para a Hemeroteca Digital Brasileira (Version 1.5) [Computer software].


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Collection tool developed by members of LABHDUFBA and aimed at scraping, organizing and analyzing scientific articles published on the platform.

In this version of the program, we rebuilt the code to deal with the new version of the repository.

Now, we use Selenium to access and scrape the data from the repository.

It is still possible to choose to perform the scraping by area of knowledge or by journal (or a list of journals). In this last option, it is necessary to provide the abbreviation of the journal’s name according to the website.


Brasil, E., Nascimento, L., Andrade, G., & Barbosa, J. (2022). Ferramentas Scielo v2 (Version 2.2) [Computer software].

Anais Anpuh - Papers

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Script project for web scraping of the page of Anais da Associação Nacional de História - Anpuh. Part of the Digital History project developed in the undergraduate course in History at Unilab, Malês campus, under the coordination of Professor Eric Brasil in partnership with the Ufba Digital Humanities Laboratory.

The Anais-Anpuh Script scrapes the papers from all Anpuh National Symposia from 1963 to 2017 (currently available on the website).

CLI Resumos Anpuh (2013-2021)

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Command line interface to scrape abstracts from Anpuh National History Symposia between 2013 and 2021


Brasil, E. (2021). Resumos-anpuh CLI (Version 1.0) [Computer software].

Carnival Societies Database (RJ, 1900-1914)

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Database produced from GIFI-AN documentation: license applications from carnival societies between 1900 and 1914.


BRASIL, Eric. Banco de dados de Sociedades Carnavalescas do Rio de Janeiro, 1900-1914 - GIFI/AN. 2016. Disponível em DOI: Acesso em 07 de jun. 2021.